Perginya seorang SYAHID


photo: dari blog

Dua tiga hari selepas Umat Islam di Malaysia menyambut lebaran 1 Syawal 1430H, saya menerima satu sms dari my student, Manal berbunyi: " Ubaidah, seorang pelajar UIA di tembak mati selepas keluar dari masjid....".

Amat tersentuh sekali berita yang saya terima ... tiada airmata, tiada perkataan yang bisa mengungkapkan kesedihan hati mengenangkan 'syahidnya' seorang Ubaidah. Meskipun saya tidak mengenali akh Palestine ini, namun saya yakin beliau pastinya beliau adalah di antara pemuda2 Islam Palestine yang mempunyai semangat jihad yang tinggi untuk sama2 membebaskan bumi al Quds dari kekejaman Israel dengan air mata maupun darah.

Kemudian saya terbayang beberapa pelajar Palestin di UIAM yang saya kenal, Nabil Herbawi, Samir, dll. Apakah mereka juga akan menerima nasib yang sama apabila kembali ke tanah air al Quds yang tercinta? Nampaknya pihak regim Israel tidak akan membiarkan para intelektual Palestine ini menabur bakti untuk anak bangsa mereka, andai saja ada peluang, mereka pastinya mensasarkan anak2 muda ini sebagai sasaran mereka untuk dihapuskan sebelum mereka memulakan langkah perjuangan.

Selepas cuti Raya, saya masih mencari2 lagi berita tentang Ubaidah, dan kemudianya terpandang sekeping poster yang terpampang di noticeboard menghala ke classroom, yang merujuk kepada 'Syahidnya Obaidah al Qudsi', alumni UIA, kembali ke kampung halamannya dan.... SYAHID. Jadi, benarlah sms yang saya terima, dan tepatlah sangkaan saya, pastinya dia adalah pemuda pilihan Allah dan telah pulangnya kepada Khaliqnya pada bulan yang penuh keberkatan.

Masih tidak berpuas hati dengan maklumat yang terlalu umum, saya menjejaki carian ' google', dan Alhamdulillah , dapat apa yang saya hajati setelah terlintas nama Dr. Hafizi iaitu speaker dalam program " Al Aqsa in Danger" sehari sebelum Ramadan yang lalu. Semoga berita yang saya petik dari blog Dr Hafizi memberikan sedikit sebanyak maklumat lebih tepat tentang kejadiaan tersebut.
Moga 'rohmu' ya Ubaidah kembali kepada Tuhanmu dengan tenang dan damai .....orang -orang yang syahid itu tidak mati sebagaimana sangkaan manusia, malahan mereka sentiasa hidup dan dilimpahi dengan rezeki di sisi Rabbal a'lamiin.


PACE Malaysia extends our deepest condolence to the family of Ubaidah Alqudsi, a young promising man who's life was cut short by the barbaric zionist soldiers (news of his murder attached). Ubaidah Alqudsi an alumni of the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) was scheduled to have his wedding reception right after the Islamic festive Eid-ul-fitr. Ubaidah Alqudsi, is but one of the many thousands of Palestinians, young and old who paid the ultimate price for the freedom and liberation of their homeland.

The tragic death of Ubaidah Alqudsi is a reminder to the whole world that in occupied Palestine, as long as you are a Palestinian you are a legitimate target of the zionist.PACE called upon the international community to condemn the wanton killings of the Palestinian people and countless other violations of human rights and crimes against humanity inflicted upon the Palestinians almost on a daily basis.After 62 years of being dispossessed of a homeland and 42 years of occupation.

PACE and the people of Malaysia prays for the soul of Ubaidah AlQudsi and for his family and every Palestinian families who have lost their dear ones at the hands of the zionist. PACE Malaysia will continue to support the Palestinian cause and strengthen our solidarity to end the persecutions of Palestinian people.Assoc Prof Dr Hafidzi Mohd NoorDirectorPACE (Palestine Centre of Excellence)

(The event of the murder and a synopsis of the martyr Ubaidah Alqudsi has been related by Abdullah Mujahid Hassanuddin, a Fellow Researcher of PACE, and a fellow student at IIUM)

Ubaidah Alqudsi, a Palestinain artist, known among his friends for his beautiful voice and lovely character. 2 days ago, Ubaidah passed away in an Israeli hospital, after being held as an injured prisoner. On 26th August, Obaidah was heading to the Abraham Mosque in the Old City of Hebron. While walking to the mosque, Israeli soldiers shot him 4 explosive bullets; two in the abdomen and two in his legs.Ubaidah, the peaceful soul was murdered in the street in cold blood. Ambulance vehicles were prevented from attending to his bleeding body for 30 minutes. Seeing him bleeding didn’t satisfy their evil lust for blood, hence, they beat his body mecilessly. After a while, he was arrested and sent to an Israeli hospital in occupied Jerusalem. Ever since Ubaidah was under their custody, he was in the state of comma.

Ubaidah spent about 3 weeks in the Israeli hospital; and his family was not allowed to visit him till the last day of his life!On the morning of the 13th of September, Ubaidah’s soul departed to meet his creator seeking his ultimate justice. Hasbunallahu wa ne’mal wakeel (Suffice that Allah be our sustainer)Ubaidah will always be remembered among his family and friends for his sweet voice and lovely smile. His poetry and Nasheed will always be celebrated by Palestinians, Muslims and all the free people of the world as true words of wisdom and honor.Synopsis about the martyr:Ubaidah Maher Abdul Mu’ti Alqudsi Dwaik.

Born in 1984 in Hebron city-Palestine to a respected family, his father is a well known ustaz (religious scholar) and businessman. Ubaidah started his education at an eraly age of 5 at the Islamic Youth Socity kindergarten. He went to school at the Al-Shar’iyah School of the Islamic Charitable Organization. He completed high school education in 2002 with flying colours (A total score of 84 %). He went on to study at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) where he earned a bachelors degree in Communications and Journalism. At the University, Ubaidah was very active in extra-curricular activities and was always involved in any issues of global and islamic importance. Ubaidah was elected into the main committee of the Al-Aqsa friends’ Society in 2003 and serve for one year as one of its most active members. From 2004 till 2007 he led the famous Al-Aqsa Nasheed Group at IIUM.

In 2008 he returned to his hometown in Palestine to live with his family and run his father’s business. He got engaged few months later and arranged for his wedding to be held right after eid alfitri. Unfortunately, the crinminal Zionist soldiers didn’t let his family celebrate this eid happily nor let Ubaidah’s fiancĂ©e enjoy her future with him!--Wan Abdullah Mujahid bin HasanuddinTimb. PresidenKelab Rakan Siswa Islah MalaysiaFellow ResearcherPalestine Centre of Excellence

Posted by Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor at 2:24 AM